Otaku World Presents...
Free Anime Game Add-Ons

The Sims
Anime characters for The Sims

Here are some free downloads of anime add-ons for The Sims.

I hope you enjoy these free samples. Otaku World Subscribers receive full access to our Sims characters and other add-ons.

These add-ons are for use with

Sailor Moon

by Dov Sherman

171 kb

The Sailor-suited heroine of love and justice Sailor Moon is coming to your neighborhood!

Sailor Moon is an adult, female, light-skinned Sim.

Includes Sailor Moon's head and Sailor Senshi suit.

The self-installing archive should place all the necessary files into the appropriate folders if you installed The Sims into the default location. If not, place the files in your The Sims/GameData/Skins folder.

To use this add-on, you must have installed The Sims.

Mac users: Here is the Mac-compatible version of this Sim. Unzip this file into your The Sims/GameData/Skins folder.
Sailor Moon for the Mac


by Dov Sherman

172 kb

Whether relaxing with a bottle of sake, looting and plundering in deep space, or helping to save the universe, Ryoko maintains a aggressive style and rebellious nature equally well-suited to high fashion or exotic dancing.

Ryoko is an adult, female, light-skinned Sim.

Includes Ryoko's head and her dress from the first OAV.

The self-installing archive should place all the necessary files into the appropriate folders if you installed The Sims into the default location. If not, place the files in your The Sims/GameData/Skins folder.

To use this add-on, you must have installed The Sims.

Mac users: Here is the Mac-compatible version of this Sim. Unzip this file into your The Sims/GameData/Skins folder.
Ryoko for the Mac