Otaku World Presents...
Sailor Chibi Moon
The Sims

Sailor Moon character for The Sims

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Sailor Chibi Moon

by Dov Sherman
Pink sugar power! Here comes Sailor Chibi Moon! (You can't make it out in this preview image but she even has those little spirals beside her ears.)

Sailor Chibi Moon is a child, female, light-skinned Sim.

Includes Sailor Chibi Moon's head and Sailor Senshi suit.

The self-installing archive should place all the necessary files into the appropriate folders if you installed The Sims into the default location. If not, place the files in your The Sims/GameData/Skins folder.

To use this add-on, you must have installed The Sims.

Mac users: Here is the Mac-compatible version of this Sim. Unzip this file into your The Sims/GameData/Skins folder.
Sailor Chibi Moon for the Mac
  • 4-14-2001: Original release

171 kb