Otaku World Presents...
Mihoshi and Kiyone
The Sims

Tenchi Muyo characters for The Sims

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Mihoshi and Kiyone

by Dov Sherman
The wacky mismatched partners of the Galaxy Police, Mihoshi and Kiyone. Kiyone's steely-eyed determination and level-headed demeanor balance well against Mihoshi's blind, stumbling idiocy.

Mihoshi is an adult, female, medium-skinned Sim.
Kiyone is an adult, female, light-skinned Sim.

Includes Mihoshi and Kiyone's heads, one body for Mihoshi, two bodies for Kiyone, and one more body type shared between them. Outfits include the standard Galaxy Police uniform for each, Kiyone's mini-skirt edition of the uniform, Mihoshi's sailor suit and pink tank top outfits, and Kiyone's casual white sweater dress.

Please keep in mind that Mihoshi is a MEDIUM color skin. (Some people have been confused because they were looking for her under light skins.)

The self-installing archive should place all the necessary files into the appropriate folders if you installed The Sims into the default location. If not, place the files in your The Sims/GameData/Skins folder.

To use this add-on, you must have installed The Sims.

Mac users: Here is the Mac-compatible version of this Sim. Unzip this file into your The Sims/GameData/Skins folder.
Mihoshi and Kiyone for the Mac
  • 11-8-2000: Original release
  • 4-14-2001: Minor improvements to both hairstyles

354 kb