Dance &
Rhythm Action
Yes, ENIX!
Enix is the company
that brought you such NES games as 'Dragon Warrior', and such SNES games
as 'Robotrek', Soul Blazer', 'Actraiser', and Paladin's Quest'. They also
did NOT bring you lots of really neat games you will never see. Oh well!
Why not let them
know you want Bust-A-Move in North America, Hmmm?
You can visit
them with the button at the bottom of every screen on this site!
Dance And Rhythm Action is the creation of ENIX co. of Japan.
Game, characters,
art, graphics and simply everything about Bust-A-Move is copyright by ENIX,
all rights reserved. We can only pray that they are smart enough to bring
out the game in North America.
You can visit
their website below