Import Games

Street Fighter Zero

Gouki code from Reuben Wong Chun Mun
To Use Gouki,Go to the random box,hold L and press, Away 3 times,Down 3
times,then press X and Y together.( Press A and B for the second player
To do his Raging Demon,Press X,X,Forward,A,Z.( Power bar must be Level 3.)

Dan code from Reuben Wong Chun Mun
To use Dan,Go to the random box,hold L and R together and press,Y,X,A,B,Y.(
Press Y,B,A,X,Y for the second player colour.)

M.Bison code from Reuben Wong Chun Mun
To use M.Bison, go to the random box,hold L,and press
Away,Away,Down,Down,Away,Down,Down then press X and Y.( Press A and B for
the second player colour.)

Ryu & Ken Versus M.Bison from Reuben Wong Chun Mun
Both players must do the moves at the same time.Both players hold L and
R,and pres Up,Up.Release L and R then press Up,Up again.After this,Ryu
press X and Ken press Y.To confirm that the code is done,you should be
fighting in China.

Dramatic Battle mode from Reuben Wong Chun Mun
Just defeat the game in Level 5.( Without changing the options ie

Easy select for Secret Characters from Reuben Wong Chun Mun
If you're using any of the Secret characters,and if you lose,you need not
do the code all over again.Just press down at the random box.

Ultimate combo from Reuben Wong Chun Mun
Do or select the Dramatic battle mode,Let Ryu be on one side and let Ken be
on the other Side,Of Bison,Then Hit Away !!!! ( Try to get a 49
Hit-Combo.It's the highest I can get ! )

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