Please Link to Us |
We want to make Otaku World the best anime and manga website that we can but we need your help. If you have a web page, we'd really love it if you could add a small link to our main page at If you'd like to include a little graphic image with the link, please download one of these images and copy it to your page: | ||||
OWSMALL1.GIF 76x93 |
OWMED1.GIF 116x142 |
Alternately, here are some banners we've used for Otaku World: | ||||
To add the Otaku World button to your page, simply insert the following HTML fragment:
<a href=><img border=0 width=88 height=31 src=></a>
If your page is about a particular anime or manga title, we'd also like you to register with the Anime and Manga Theme Guide so that we can link to your site! But, of course, the most important thing you can do to help Otaku World is to keep visiting us. After all, it's people visiting our site and enjoying it that makes all our work worthwhile! However, please don't link to our download files. If you do, people will never see our ads and we won't be able to pay for our server. If you want to let people download our stuff, link to our site. You should only link to our download files if you really, really hate us and want Otaku World to die. (Yeah, I know this is probably obvious but there are a few really clueless people out there who just don't know this sort of thing.) |