Last updated: December 15, 2018
Otaku World
Privacy Statement
- Dec. 15, 2018: Updated link to the United States COPPA online document
- Dec. 15, 2018: Added link in "Parental Concerns" to a detailed and easy-to-read description of COPPA
- Dec. 15, 2018: Removed reference to voting system's use of cookies as the voting system no longer exists on Otaku World
- Nov. 28, 2004: Removed reference to Adult sections, updated styles
- Sep. 18, 2004: Minor edits, changed e-mail address
Privacy is a big concern for most people who use the World Wide Web.
Lots of information is entered and viewed everywhere. It can be a very
bewildering experience as to what information is used where.
We here at Otaku World can only explain what we do with the information we
receive from you; we cannot speak for any other web site out there.
Table of Contents
We maintain certain logging information generated by the web server about
every request for a page, picture, or download. This logging information
includes your IP address and your browser identification string. Otaku World
uses this information for internal purposes only. We will not release the
information except in aggregate form at which point all connection with the IP
address and browser identification string is lost.
We use this information to make your visits to Otaku World a better experience
by telling us what pages you visit most frequently and what type of browser
you are using (so we can take advantage of the newer features available).
Table of Contents
Otaku World makes occasional use of cookies. These cookies typically expire after about one hour.
Here is a brief description of cookies:
A cookie is small piece of information sent by a web server to be stored on
your computer by your browser. The web server can then later retrieve this
information when you return to that site. What is usually stored in a cookie
is either selections you have made to customize your experience on that web
server or an identifying number used by the web server to look up those
selections in a database. Therefore, a cookie is used to identify your browser
uniquely from all other browsers.
If and only if you supply personal information to that web site then that web
site can identify you through your browser (this is the primary function of a
cookie: it allows a web site to automatically adjust itself to your visit). Otaku World
does not take in or use such personal information.
Only the web server that sent the cookie can retrieve that cookie.
You can view your cookies through your browser. Consult your browser's help
manual to learn how to do this.
Table of Contents
Parental Concerns
Otaku World is a web site dedicated to otaku of all ages. Otaku World's
content is oriented around anime and manga which are uniquely japanese. The
Japanese culture has different social values that can sometimes offend other
cultures. We believe there is great value in learning about other cultures
even if it is done through the highly artistic media of anime and manga.
We make the assumption that the typical visitor to Otaku World understands
these different values or can quickly come to terms with them as something
exciting to learn.
Because of this assumption, Otaku World contains the occasional content that
might be considered offensive to some parents. We at Otaku World advise such
parents to take the responsibility of reviewing our content thoroughly before
allowing your children to browse Otaku World.
We do not have any area that is strictly "kid-friendly" as Otaku World is not
a children's site. We do put warnings on most things that might be sexually
or violently offensive to some of our more sensitive visitors but we do not
restrict access except where only subscribers may download files.
To repeat: if you are a parent who is considering on allowing their children
to browse Otaku World then you must take the responsibility to review Otaku
World first. We here at Otaku World operate with an open mind policy: we
assume our visitors come to our site with an open mind.
We have areas of Otaku World where we encourage participation through the
submission of works of art. Specifically,
Desktop Themes, and
These elements are posted on Otaku World,
giving credit to those who created them. To start things off, we receive
e-mail submitting these elements. As part of this submission process, we do respond
to this e-mail, occasionally several times, to complete the submission. Also, when we
post the submission, we frequently make the creator's name or "screen name" a
link to either an e-mail address or URL to a web page. We do ask first what
form of link (if any) the author would like to have. This does mean the
e-mail address is available publicly on our site.
We ask of the submitters only a name to be used on the web page and what type
of link (e-mail or URL or nothing) to make the name. If the submitter
responds with an actual link then we take that as confirmation of allowing us
to make the link publicly available.
We do not knowingly post e-mail addresses of children under 13. Because we
target otaku of all ages, we do not ask the ages of any of those who submit
artistic works. It is not feasible for us to obtain verifiable permission
from a parent as dictated by the COPPA. Therefore, in compliance with the
COPPA, if we learn that a submitter is 12 years old or younger, we will, at
the very least, remove the e-mail link from both the web page and the work of
art (if any).
Table of Contents
Contact Information
As required by the COPPA, you can contact the following representative of
Otaku World via e-mail. Due to our own concerns for privacy, we will not post
a physical address or phone number.
Table of Contents