Otaku World Presents...
Anime Game Add-Ons
Anime-Style Characters, Skins, and
Expansions for Your PC Games

Welcome to the newest area of Otaku World, the Anime Game Add-ons Section. Here we are collecting new character models, character skins, and other anime-style expansions for PC games. There aren't enough anime-style games in the world so now we're helping to bring the anime-style to all games.

November 22, 2001: Everyone's favorite Sailor couple, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus, make their Sims debut! Mac-compatible versions also available!

The Sims

Quake 3

Unreal Tournament

If you have created an anime-style game add-on which you would like to share with us, send it to Dov Sherman at dsherman@otakuworld.com. In Association with Amazon.com Each section includes a link to purchase the game for the add-ons at Amazon.com.