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Dragonslayer Alpha

Author: Princess Quova
Artist: Tenchi

Dragonslayer Alpha
It started out as any ordinary day, no wait a second, it didn't. Because on this summer morning Akeena Hishwon found out her destiny was to become the legendary Dragonslayer. Meet Kensington, her posh-sounding dragon guardian; Kender, a cute little elf girl who happens to be a klepto; Kero Fugishitsu, a mysterious ally; and Ryuujin Draco, the lord of all dragons. Can Akeena live up to her destiny?
Dragonslayer Alpha
Early? What do you mean EARLY?"

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Stephen P. Lepisto
e-mail: Keeper of the Kamishibai
Stephen Lepisto, Keeper of the Kamishibai