Action: Elseiffnotequal(A, B)

Related Actions: ifequal, ifnotequal, ifgreaterthan, iflessthan, else, elseifequal, elseifgreaterthan, elseiflessthan, endif
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions

elseifnotequal(A, B)

First defined in: FKiSS4
The elseifnotequal forms the middle of a structured if-elseif-endif block.
For elseifnotequal, the conditional block is executed if all previous conditional blocks were false and A is not equal to B (i.e. A != B).


A may be a number or a variable.


B may be a number or a variable.


;@ iflessthan(X, 10)     ; If X is less than 10 then show "doll0.cel".
;@   map("doll0.cel")
;@ elseifnotequal(X, 15) ; Otherwise, if X does not equal 15 then show "doll2.cel".
;@   map("doll2.cel")
;@ endif()