FKiSS Events

See also: FKiSS, General Syntax, Data Types, If-Endif Structure, Shortcuts, HINTs, Actions, Event Order


An Event defines the conditions under which a block of action code is executed. All actions listed after an event command are assumed to be part of that event until the next event command is listed.
Some events can trigger other events, creating a stack of events. These events will always trigger in a very specific order.


Only one of each of these events can be defined in a single KiSS Artform.
initialize begin end
overflow never


These events are specific to sets, colors, and version.
set col version


These events are associated with named blocks of code.
alarm label

Rectangle-based collision

These events are associated with collisions between rectangles.
Rectangle collision is faster than pixel-based collisions but not pixel accurate.
in out
stillin stillout

Pixel-based collision

These events are associated with collisions between pixels of cels.
collide apart

Mouse-based collision

These events are associated with the movement of the mouse cursor.
mousein mouseout


These events are associated with pressing of keys.
keypress keyrelease


These events are associated with clicking on cels as well as clicking and dragging cels around.
press catch drop
release fixcatch fixdrop


These events are associated with the fix value of an object.
unfix fixcatch fixdrop


This event is associated with detaching a target from a parent object.