Action: glue(target, parent)

Related Actions: attach, detach, letchild, letparent, letsibling
Related Events: detached
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions

glue(target, parent)

First defined in: FKiSS4
The glue action attaches target to parent, becoming a child object of parent. If target was already attached to an object, it is first detached from that object, triggering a detached event if necessary.
An object which is glued will move with its parent object. It can be detached only by the detach action. A user moving the child object does not detach it from its parent when it is glued.


may be an object number or a variable representing an object number.


may be an object number or a variable representing an object number.


;@ glue(#5, #10)
;@ glue(VarTail, VarDonkey)