Action: Letmousey(variable)

Related Actions: letmousex, letkey, letkeymap
Related Events: mousein, mouseout
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions


First defined in: FKiSS3
The letmousey action sets the value of variable to the current vertical position of the mouse pointer. This position is relative to the play field and might be negative.
This value may be outside the edges of the play field, viewport, or window. Note that on some operating systems, it is not possible for the KiSS viewer to know the location of the mouse when it is outside of the viewer window. In that case, this value will represent the position of the mouse at the last moment when it was inside the viewer window.


variable must be a variable name.


;@ letmousey(Y) ; Set variable Y to the mouse pointer's vertical position.