Action: Lettimer(variable, alarm ID)

Related Actions: timer, randomtimer, iffixed, ifmapped, ifmoved, ifnotfixed, ifnotmapped, ifnotmoved, exitevent
Related Events: alarm
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions

lettimer(variable, alarm ID)

First defined in: FKiSS4
Sets the value of variable to the amount of time remaining before the timer for alarm ID reaches zero. For any timer which is counting down, this value may be zero or greater. If no timer is counting down for that alarm the value of variable is set to -1.


variable must be the name of a variable.

alarm ID

alarm ID may be an alarm ID (number or symbolic name) or a variable representing an alarm ID number.


;@ lettimer(Delay, MyAlarm) ; Get the timer value from alarm "MyAlarm" and put into variable Delay.