Action: Windowsize(W, H)
Related Actions: viewport
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions

windowsize(W, H)

First defined in: FKiSS1
The windowsize action sets the size of the viewport to <W x H>.
The viewport defines the size and position of the area of the play field which is displayed. The position of the viewport can be changed with the viewport action.
W and H must both be greater than zero.
Not all KiSS viewers support this action.


In FKiSS1 to FKiSS2.1, W must be a number.
In FKiSS3, W may be a number or a variable.


In FKiSS1 to FKiSS2.1, H must be a number.
In FKiSS3, H may be a number or a variable.


;@ windowsize(140, 100) ; Set the window size to 140 pixels wide and 100 pixels high.
;@ windowsize(W, H)     ; Set the window size to W pixels wide and H pixels high.