This is Globe-chan, the Otaku World mascot. I made the image of Globe-chan and Jennifer made the text that completes our logo.
This is the icon I created for the Import Games section. Jennifer did the colors.
This is the Anime Link. Get it? See, it's a homonyn. Link as in website but also link as in sausage. Get it?
This is Miss Otaku, the poster girl for contests we hold now and then.
These are each of the progressive self-portraits I have used. I
update them occasionally them as my hair grows out. Apart from the
proportions, I really look like that. Except, sometimes I wear a hat.
Here's another self-portrait of me which I have used now and then. I don't
really look all that much like that though. But it's lots cuter.
This is the Anime Desktop Theme girl. She doesn't really have a name.
Maybe it should be Deskiko or something.
This the main poster girl for the Big KiSS Page. She also heads up
the Tools section of the BKP. I think she's cute but Jennifer says
she's kind of scary with those giant scissors.
This is the KiSS Bunny Girl, mascot for the Viewers section of the
BKP. She and the Scissors girl are rivals for the position of main mascot.
This is the Confused girl who needs help. You'll find her in the Help
section of the BKP. She probably connects to the net through AOL.
This is the Stewa Flight Attendant for links to KiSS sites around
the world.
This is the cute Trying-on-Clothes girl who watches over the thousand-plus
KiSS dolls in the doll library.