Our Policy on Editing
We review all stories before they are posted on Otaku World. Part of this
review is to make sure the quality of the stories as posted on Otaku World
meets a minimum level of standards.
To better clarify our review policies, we have created the
Kamishibai Story Guidelines,
which more formally specifies what we are looking for in a story and why we might reject
that story. Please read these guidelines carefully.
Story Size Limits
How can you tell if your file will be too large? Archive the entire
story, art, sound, and music into a single zip file. If the size of that zip
file exceeds 7 megabytes then it is too large.
What can you do if your archive is too large? There are couple of things
you can do. One, make sure all of your art is 256 colors and sounds are 11KHz
or 22KHz mono (Kamishibai won't really play stereo properly except on some
systems). The two biggest problem areas are using 16 million color art
(which doesn't compress very will in a zip file) and using 44KHz sounds
(22KHz is fine for virtually all uses). If reducing the art color resolution
and sound resolution doesn't do it, break your story up into two parts and
submit each as a separate chapter.
We realize you want your art to look as good as possible, especially if
you do any kind of rendering, and you want your sounds to be as clear as
possible. Please remember, however, that Kamishibai was
not created as a showcase for fancy animations and tremendous sounds. It was
created to tell stories with some pretty pictures, a few well-placed sound
effects, and background music. Animations can be used but should be used
sparingly. Concentrate on telling a good story and use the pictures and
sounds to enhance the story, not the other way around.
If a link on this page doesn't work, please notify
Web Master (e-mail address owmaster@otakuworld.com).
Tell us the URL of the page and let us know what is wrong.