Action: Deletevalue(name)

Related Actions: valuepool, savevalue, loadvalue
See also: FKiSS, Value Pools, Events, Actions


First defined in: FKiSS4
The deletevalue action removes a named value from the current value pool.
For more information, see Value Pools.


name is an identifier under which the value will be stored. It may be between 1 and 64 characters. They may contain letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores. Value names are case-insensitive. The name must be enclosed with quotation marks.
If you want to specify a valuepool other than the current pool without changing the current pool, you can specify it in the value name by separating it with a period (.).


;@ deletevalue("HighScore")                 ; deletes "HighScore" from the current value pool.
;@ deletevalue("Johns_Adventure1.strength") ; deletes "strength" from the value pool "Johns_Adventure1".
;@ deletevalue(".SnapTo")                   ; deletes "SnapTo" from the private value pool for this KiSS data set.