Action: Loadvalue(variable, name)

Related Actions: valuepool, savevalue, deletevalue
See also: FKiSS, Value Pools, Events, Actions

loadvalue(variable, name)

First defined in: FKiSS4
The loadvalue action loads a value from disk which could have been saved earlier, even during previous sessions.
The value will be loaded from the current pool as specified by the most recent valuepool command.
For more information, see Value Pools.


variable must be the name of a variable.


name is an identifier under which the value will be stored. It may be between 1 and 64 characters. They may contain letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores. Value names are case-insensitive. The name must be enclosed with quotation marks.
If you want to specify a valuepool other than the current pool without changing the current pool, you can specify it in the value name by separating it with a period (.).
If no value entry exists for this value name in the value pool, the value of variable is unchanged.


;@ loadvalue(high, "HighScore")                ; loads value in "HighScore" into the variable high from the current value pool.
;@ loadvalue(str, "Johns_Adventure1.strength") ; loads value in "strength" into the variable str from the value pool "Johns_Adventure1".
;@ loadvalue(snap, ".SnapTo")                  ; loads value in "SnapTo" into the variable snap from the private value pool for this KiSS data set.