Action: Ghost(target, N)

Related Actions: transparent, lettransparent
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions

ghost(target, N)

First defined in: FKiSS3
The ghost action changes the ghost-state of target.
A cel may be ghosted or not ghosted. By default, all cels are not ghosted. A ghosted cel is one which cannot receive mouse-clicks. Any attempt to click on a ghosted cel with the mouse will pass through to cels beneath it regardless of whether the cel is visible or not.


In FKiSS3, target may be a cel or object number.
In FKiSS4, target may be a cel, object number, group, or a variable representing an object number.


N may be a number or a variable.
If N is 0, target is not ghosted.
If N is non-zero, target is ghosted.


;@ ghost(#5, 1)     ; object 5 becomes ghosted.
;@ ghost(VarObj, 0) ; Object or group identified by VarObj stops being ghosted.