Action: Transparent(target, N)

Related Actions: ghost, lettransparent
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions, Transparency and translucency

transparent(target, N)

First defined in: FKiSS1b
The transparent action adds N to the translucency value of target.
Use negative values of N to make target less translucent.
The translucency of a cel is in the range 0 to 255. 0 is fully opaque (the default). 255 is fully invisible.
A cel with a transparency of 255 may still be clicked on although it cannot be seen.


In FKiSS1b to FKiSS3, target may be a cel or object number.
In FKiSS4, target may be a cel, object number, group, or a variable representing an object number.


In FKiSS1b to FKiSS2.1, N must be a number.
In FKiSS3, N may be a number or variable.


;@ transparent(VarObj, 16)  ; Increase translucency of the object or group identified by VarObj by 16.
;@ transparent(VarObj, -32) ; Decrease translucency of the object or group identified by VarObj by 32.
;@ transparent(#5, -255)    ; Makes sure #5 is completely opaque.