Action: Movebyy(target, relative, Y)

Related Actions: move, moveto, movebyx, movetorand, moverandx, moverandy, restrictx, restricty, letinitx, letinity, letobjectx, letobjecty
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions

movebyy(target, relative, Y)

First defined in: FKiSS2
The movebyy action causes target to move to a position Y pixels vertically from the position of object relative. The horizontal position of target is not affected. Use negative values for a position above object relative.
FKiSS movement is restricted to the play field unless restrictx or
restricty is used to alter the limits for an object.


In FKiSS2 to FKiSS3, target must be an object number.
In FKiSS4, target may be an object number or a variable representing an object number.


In FKiSS2 to FKiSS3, relative must be an object number.
In FKiSS4, relative may be an object number or a variable representing an object number.


In FKiSS1 to FKiSS2.1, Y must be a number.
In FKiSS3, Y may be number or a variable.


;@ movebyy(#5, #10, -15)           ; Move object #5 to a position 15 pixels above object #10.
;@ movebyy(VarClothes, VarDoll, Y) ; Move the object identified by variable VarClothes X pixels vertically from the object identified by variable VarDoll.