Event: Label(label ID)

Related Events: alarm
Related Actions: gosub, gosubrandom, goto, gotorandom, repeat, exitloop, exitevent
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions

label(label ID)

First defined in: FKiSS3
The label events are really a pseudo-event which provide a way of sharing common actions between multiple events. These are also called procedures. A label event can only be activated by a goto, gosub, or repeat action from another event.
Every label event must have a unique ID, different from every other label.

label ID

In FKiSS3, label ID must be a positive integer such as 0 or 250.
In FKiSS4, label ID may also be a symbolic name. This name must begin with a letter and may contain additional letters or numbers up to a total length of 32 characters. It is possible for a label ID to be identical to an alarm ID or variable but it is better to avoid such ambiguity.


;@ label(5)
;@   sound("bells.wav")
;@ label(StartBlinking)
;@   unmap("eyes1.cel") map("eyes2.cel")