Event: Unfix(target)

Related Events: fixcatch, fixdrop
Related Actions: setfix, letfix, letcatch
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions


First defined in: FKiSS1
The unfix event is triggered when the target's fix value reaches 0.
This can be triggered by the user causing the fix value to reduce by dragging the target or by the setfix action.
Only one unfix event should exist for any target.


In FKiSS1 to FKiSS3, target may be an object number or cel.
In FKiSS4, target may be an object number, cel, or group.


;@ unfix("shirt.cel")    ; When the fix value on "shirt.cel" has reached 0...
;@   map("shrttorn.cel") ; Show the torn shirt image
;@   unmap("shirt.cel")  ; and hide the normal shirt image.