Action: Setfix(target, N)

Related Actions: letfix, setkcf, letkcf, ghost, transparent, lettransparent, letinitx, letinity, letmapped, letobjectx, letobjecty, letwidth, letheight, letcollide, letinside
Related Events: fixcatch, fixdrop, unfix
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions

setfix(target, N)

First defined in: FKiSS2.1
The setfix action sets the fix value for target to N.
If the fix value target was non-zero and N is zero, this can trigger the unfix event for target.
If the user is currently moving target and N is non-zero, this can force the user to drop target, triggering the fixdrop event for target.


In FKiSS2.1 to FKiSS3, target must be an object number.
In FKiSS4, target may be an object number or a variable representing an object number.


In FKiSS2.1, N must be a number.
In FKiSS3, N may be a number or variable.


;@ setfix(#5, 0)      ; Set the fix value of object #5 to 0 (object is freely movable).
;@ setfix(VarObj, 16) ; Set the fix value of the object identified by VarObj to 16.