Event: Fixdrop(target)

Related Events: press, release, catch, fixcatch, drop, unfix
Related Actions: setfix, letfix, letcatch
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions


First defined in: FKiSS1
The fixdrop event is triggered when the user loses control of the target after attempting to move it due to the fix value of the object. This can be triggered by the fix value starting at non-zero or FKiSS causing a change in the target's fix value.
Only one fixdrop event should exist for any target.


In FKiSS1 to FKiSS3, target may be an object number or cel.
In FKiSS4, target may be an object number, cel, or group.


;@ fixdrop("spring.cel") ; When "spring.cel" is dropped because its fix value is non-zero...
;@   sound("boing.wav")  ; Play a sound.
;@ fixdrop(#5)           ; When object #5 is dropped because its fixed value is non-zero...
;@   sound("ding.wav")   ; Play a sound.
;@ fixdrop(!MyGroup)     ; When group !MyGroup is dropped because its fixed value is non-zero...
;@   gosub(50)           ; Execute procedure 50.