Action: Unmap(target)

Related Actions: map, altmap, letmapped, ifmapped, ifnotmapped
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions


First defined in: FKiSS1
The unmap action causes target to become unmapped on all sets in which it is present.
Mapped cels may be clickable and visible (although ghost and transparent can also affect this). Unmapped cels are unclickable and invisible.


In FKiSS1 to FKiSS3, target may be an object number or cel.
In FKiSS4, target may be an object number, cel, group, or a variable representing an object number.


;@ unmap("doll.cel") ; Make "doll.cel" invisible.
;@ unmap(#5)         ; Make all cels invisible in object #5.
;@ unmap(!MyGroup)   ; Make all cels invisible in group !MyGroup.
;@ unmap(VarObj)     ; Make all cels invisible that are in the object identified by the variable VarObj.