Futaba-kun Change: Manga Translations
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Some of these translations are not quite complete. They're practically complete
but Kurt Kohler, our dedicated translator, still has a few questions regarding
a few passages. Consider them to be `works in-progress'.
These items are marked with a
character. Clicking on that character will bring up a list of the questionable passages.
If you have any advice on these passages, Kurt would be very happy
if you would contact him with any help you can offer.
Volume 1 [第1巻]
Futaba-kun Changes!!
[ふたば君 チェンジする!! の巻]
Futaba-kun Changes!!
[ふたば君 チェンジする!! の巻]
Futaba-kun, Close Encounter in a Locked Room!!
[ふたば君 密室 の 大接近!! の巻]
Futaba-kun's Escape!!
[ふたば君 逃亡行!! の巻]
Futaba-chan, The New Girl at School!!
[ふたばちゃん 転校してくる!! の巻]
Futaba-kun's Wild, Noisy Dance!!
[ふたば君 狂騒 の ダンス!! の巻]
Volume 2 [第2巻]
Futaba-chan Becomes an Idol!!
[ふたばちゃん アイドル (偶像) となる!! の巻]
Big Sister Futana's Dangerous Change!!
[双菜姉さん あぶない チェンジ (変態)!! の巻]
Futaba-kun's Lingerie Quest!!
[ふたば君 ランジェリー (下着) クエスト!! の巻]
Futaba-kun: Pandemonium at the Fire!!
[ふたば君 火事 場 騒動!! の巻]
Futaba-chan Becomes an Idol!!
[ふたばちゃん アイドル (偶像) となる!! の巻]
Futaba-kun Joins the Battle!!
[ふたば君 参戦す!! の巻]
Misaki-chan Joins the Battle!!
[美咲姫ちゃん 参戦す!! の巻]
Volume 3 [第3巻]
Futaba-kun's Very Rapid Return!!
[ふたば君、 大ドンデン 返し!! の巻]
Futaba-kun, Still in the Game!!
[ふたば君、 勝ち残る!! の巻]
Futaba-kun, Hindered by Love!!
[ふたば君、 愛 に 阻まれる!! の巻]
Futaba-kun's Very Rapid Return!!
[ふたば君、 大ドンデン返し!! の巻]
Futaba-kun Visits Misaki's House!!
[ふたば君、 美咲姫 家を 訪問す!! の巻]
Futaba-kun Mustn't Do "Finger Magic"!!
[ふたば君、 いけない 指先 魔術 (フィンガーマジック)!! の巻]
Futaba-kun, DOUBT!!
[ふたば君、 DOUBT (ダウト)!! の巻]
Volume 4 [第4巻]
Misaki-chan Changes!?
[美咲姫ちゃん、 チェンジ!? の巻]
Futaba-kun, Avoid the Challenge!!
[ふたば君、 挑戦さる!! の巻]
Futaba-kun and the Sweet Pair!!
[ふたば君、 甘すぎる ペア!? の巻]
Misaki-chan Changes!?
[美咲姫ちゃん、 チェンジ!? の巻]
Misaki-chan and the Mysteries of a Boy's Body!?
[美咲姫ちゃん、 男体 の 神秘!? の巻]
Futaba-kun, Forbidden Passion
[ふたば君、 禁じられた 色彩 の巻]
Futaba-kun, the Hunt!?
[ふたば君、 ハント!? の巻]
Volume 5 [第5巻]
Futaba-chan, A Star is Born!!
[ふたばちゃん、 スター 誕生!! の巻]
Futaba-kun, Candid Camera!!
[ふたば君、 盗撮さる!! の巻]
Futaba-kun's Training Camp Frenzy!!
[ふたば君、 のばせ合宿!! の巻]
Futaba-kun Lays an Egg!?
[ふたば君、 タマゴを 産む!? の巻]
Futaba-kun Menstruates!!
[ふたば君、 メンスる!! の巻]
Futaba-chan, A Star Is Born!!
[ふたばちゃん、 スター 誕生!! の巻]
Futaba-kun, Super Battle!!
[ふたば君、 バトルする!! の巻]
Volume 6 [第6巻]
Futaba-kun, the Secret Finally Leaks Out!!
[ふたば君、 ついにバレる!! の巻]
Futaba-kun, Queen of the Water!?
[ふたば君、 水の女王!? の巻]
Futaba-kun, the Color of Autumn!!
[ふたば君、 秋に色づく!! の巻]
Futaba-kun, the Secret Finally Leaks Out!! (First Part)
[ふたば君、 ついにバレる!! の巻 (前編)]
Futaba-kun, the Secret Finally Leaks Out!! (Latter Part)
[ふたば君、 ついにバレる!! の巻 (後編)]
Futaba-kun Explains!!
[ふたば君、 まるめる!! の巻]
Volume 7 [第7巻]
Futaba-kun, Your Betrothed Appears!!
[ふたば君、 許嫁 現る!! の巻]
Futaba-kun, Your Betrothed Appears!!
[ふたば君、 許嫁現る!! の巻]
Futaba-kun, Deprived of Your Betrothed!?
[ふたば君、 許嫁を 奪われる!? の巻]
Futaba-kun, First Date!?
[ふたば君、 初デート!? の巻]
[FUTABA の キス ・ オーディション!! の巻]
Futaba-kun, Appearance of a Rival!?
[ふたば君、 恋敵出現!? の巻]
Volume 8 [第8巻]
Futaba-kun, Bridegroom or Bride!?
Futaba-kun, Sways...!?
Futaba-kun, Burns...!?
Futaba-kun, Bridegroom or Bride!?
Futaba-kun, Encounter With the Unknown
Futaba-kun Change Special
Futana-san Change
These translations have been made possible by the
hard work of Kurt Kohler, Mike
Wilson and Douglas Condie.