Action: Setkcf(target, N)

Related Actions: letkcf, setfix, letfix, ghost, transparent, lettransparent, letinitx, letinity, letmapped, letobjectx, letobjecty, letwidth, letheight, letcollide, letinside
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions, KCF

setkcf(target, N)

First defined in: FKiSS4
The setkcf action sets all cels in target to use the KCF N.
If a cel in target is a CKiSS cel, this command will have no effect.


target may be a cel, object number, group, or a variable representing an object number.


N may be a number or variable.


;@ setkcf("hat.cel", 0) ; Make cel "hat.cel" use KCF 0 (the first KCF defined).
;@ setkcf(#5, 2)        ; Set object #5 to use KCF 2.
;@ setkcf(VarObj, N)    ; Set object defined by variable VarObj to use KCF defined by variable N.