First defined in: FKiSS4
letkcf action sets the value of
variable to the
index of the
used by
If any cel in target is a CKiSS cel or if the cels in
target do not all use the same palette, variable is set to
variable must be a variable name.
target may be a cel, object number, group, or a
variable representing an object number.
;@ letkcf(K, "wig.cel") ; Set variable K to the KCF used by cel "wig.cel".
;@ letkcf(K, #5) ; Set variable K to the KCF used by object #5 -- if all cels in the object use the same palette.
;@ letkcf(K, !MyGroup) ; Set variable K to the KCF used by group !MyGroup -- if all cels in the group use the same palette.