Action: Letinside(variable, target1, target2)

Related Actions: setkcf, letkcf, setfix, letfix, ghost, transparent, lettransparent, letinitx, letinity, letmapped, letobjectx, letobjecty, letwidth, letheight, letcollide
Related Events: in, out, stillin, stillout
See also: FKiSS, Events, Actions

letinside(variable, target1, target2)

First defined in: FKiSS3
The letinside action makes a comparison based on the individual bounding rectangles of the two targets. If a bounding rectangle for target1 overlaps a bounding rectangle for target2, variable is set to 1. Otherwise, variable is set to 0.
Use letinside to test collision-detection when pixel-collision detection is not necessary.
Use letcollide to test the collision at a pixel level.


variable must be a variable name.


In FKiSS3, target1 must be an object number.
In FKiSS4, target1 may be an object number, cel, group, or variable repesenting an object number.


In FKiSS3, target2 must be an object number.
In FKiSS4, target2 may be an object number, cel, group, or variable repesenting an object number.


;@ letinside(N, #5, #10)          ; Set N to 1 if the bounding rectangle of object #5 overlaps the bounding rectangle of object #10.
;@ letinside(N, #5, "that.cel")   ; Set N to 1 if the bounding rectangle of object #5 overlaps the bounding rectangle of cel "that.cel".
;@ letinside(N, VarObj, !MyGroup) ; Set N to 1 if the bounding rectangle of the object identified by VarObj overlaps the bounding rectangle of group !MyGroup.